D-Mail Features

D-mail is packed with great features enabling you to easily manage every aspect of your email marketing business campaigns.

Manage your Subscribers
As you collect your customers' business cards and email addresses you can enter them into your Account database by using the Manage Subscribers feature.

Create Unlimited Mailing Groups
Target specific customers with specific D-Mails. Manage your Customer Email Addresses by grouping them into Mailing Groups. D-Mail automatically filters out duplicate email addresses from your Mailing Groups.

Automatic Unsubscribe
Your customers may remove themselves from your Mailing List by clicking on the Unsubscribe link included at the bottom of every D-Mail you send out. D-Mail will notify you by email each time this takes place.

Schedule Sending Times
Schedule a time and date to send out your D-Mails, or send them immediately. Create and manage your own prospecting campaign by utilizing this fantastic feature.

Bounced Message Management
D-Mail takes care of all bounced emails for you and can remove them from your list for you, if you wish.

Easy 4 Step Sending Process
Compose and send professional D-Mails in minutes! Compose your message and choose your template, Preview your D-Mail, Choose your recipients and Schedule a time to send. It's that easy.

Professional HTML Editor
Create eye-catching emails using our advanced HTML editor. You can add images, word documents, PDF files, Flash files and more to your emails with the press of a button.

Your Recent D-Mail Campaigns
See who you have sent your recent D-Mails to, along with the Date and D-Mail Subject.

Saved D-Mail Draft Folder
Send a D-Mail and save it to use again. Or maybe you are half way through composing your sales message and the phone rings? Save it to your Drafts folder and get back to it later.

Custom Designed HTML Templates
Take you D-Mail's one step further by having your own Custom Designed HTML Template created. Includes your logo and contact details and designed in your corporate colour scheme.


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